Time is something I seem to lack more and more as I get older. I remember my Nan telling me off for saying I’m bored. I would give anything now to be bored. Plus I would give anything to have time with her again. Now I understand why she was so sharp with me. It’s a blessing to be bored. As a child you feel like you have all the time in the world.
Oh to have time.
Now time to me has become a precious commodity. Something I am always in desperate need of. Time with my family, time to paint, time to even tidy the house. Let alone fix the broken tiles on my kitchen floor.
Recently I had a meeting through the IW Creative Network which I joined a few months ago. A ‘121’ creative advice session with the lovely Alys.
Two hours well spent. And ‘time’, for me, was definitely the topic that was lacking.
How to organise ones time to enable the creation of all that I want to achieve? Probably sounds so easy as a concept right? As an artist, you just want to create good art right?
Anyway, how to organise my ‘time’ is my homework.
Well I’ve managed to write a new BLOG post. Only took me a year. Also I got to go to an amazing show at the Royal Albert Hall and walk around the National Portrait Gallery (My favourite place in the world). Eat at a Anime style restaurant and spend some much needed quality time with my daughter.
So something is working :)
Until next time…