Georgia Longford Georgia Longford

Development of the Linear Wave

On the release of the two new paintings in this genre, I thought it would be good to have a look visually at the steady progression of this series over time.

Working in a gallery I often get asked what were the artist thoughts behind their creations. So I thought it important to open up this side of myself.

If any of you don’t know, I live on the Isle of Wight, a small island, south of the UK. Inspired by where I live, I wanted to celebrate one of the rare moments I get to experience when I’m not in the studio or the Gallery.

Moments I long for, standing alone with my feet in the waters, looking out towards the endless horizon. No phones, no people. Just the vast ocean in front of me.

Every time I stand there I see new colours, new tones, new Skys. I never get tired of wanting to try and capture this in a new way.

The lines are ripples or waves, colour and light drifting next to or over each other. But as you stand back they become uniform and serene. A patchwork of blues. Perhaps life has a structure or science behind it? Emulating the concept of the ‘Golden Ratio’ in creation.

Sometimes I’m drawn to larger puddles of colour and then often small more intricate tonal lines with hidden hues barely visible. But all these details have become more and more refined and the details tightened over time with every painting.

I have a thousand ideas of where I want to take this idea. The struggle is to filter which ones to listen to and which ones to ignore. :)

Till next time.

Harriet Hue 2024



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Georgia Longford Georgia Longford

Abstract/Narrative Self-Portraits

So to start the new year, and to get the year started. Here are the self portraits I have spoke about previously in my Blog, ‘Portraiture’ in 2023…

What I would call, ‘semi-abstract’ self portraits. ‘Semi abstract’ by definition is… ‘pertaining to or designating a style of painting or sculpture in which the subject remains recognisable although the forms are highly stylised in a manner derived from abstract art.

So I would say this definition fits.

In my previous post regarding self portraiture, I wrote about the need to leave the idea of recognisable depictions of myself for while and to focus on a more narrative journey.

I work in a beautiful gallery in town part-time called ‘Cowes Gallery’. I had a customer interested in knowing the story behind a certain painting. ‘What was the artist thinking?’ he asked? Unfortunately I couldn’t answer this question for him. This idea stayed with me long enough to create these two pieces and bring together ideas I have been working on for a while now.

So this is me breaking down this first painting for you:

  • The Clown Face - To play a part. A mask we hide behind. Our identity we create. Are we stronger with a face to hide behind? Also a nod to the extremes of make up.

  • The Nose - An homage to a painting I love by Picasso as seen above. ‘Femme au Beret et la Robe Quadrillee’, 1937.

  • The Golden Ladder - A symbol of me wanting to climb the career ladder. And showing my head or myself always getting in the way.

  • The Large Eye - Gateway into the soul. Also moral conscience and truth. And the western custom of honesty.

  • Ladybird - Hinting at my female biology. A burden that effects me every month physically but also a badge I wear proudly as a mother.

  • Spiral in the hair - Symbol of creativity and I have curly hair ;)

  • Slanted Eye - Always looking inward. I am an extreme over thinker.

  • Trees and Sea - These sit either side of me to represent the trees and the forests I used to paint and now the coast that inspires my work today.

  • Pencil - Stating that this is a narrative piece.

The 2nd Painting in the Series shown with flowers all around the figure, exaggerates and repeats some of the same concepts above.

Contact me as I would love to hear your response.

Or if you would like me to paint someone else’s story.

Happy New year!


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Georgia Longford Georgia Longford

Last thoughts for 2023

My last thankful thoughts for 2023.

This is me writing to say…

Thank your taking the time out of your busy lives to support me as an artist.

Thank you for purchasing my paintings and limited or open edition prints.

Thank you for your lovely commissions, helping me make something special just for you.

Thank you for coming to meet me at the Open Studios this summer.

Thank you for all your lovely comments on Instagram and Facebook and taking precious time to write me a wonderful review.

Thank you for coming to my art classes and spending time with me, learning something new.

Thank you for the time you took to visit Kendalls Gallery and Seaview Gallery on the Isle of Wight, just to find my work!

I wouldn’t be here without you.

I thank you.

Sending you the warmest and heartfelt appreciations at this time of year :)

May the new year bring love, hope, growth and healing… and of course creativity!


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Harriet Hue Harriet Hue


From an early age I was drawn to paintings or sculptures of faces and figures. Every other year or so I paint my own self portrait’s to see how my style has developed. Usually in oils but on rare occasions using digital painting software. Technology these past few years has moved on in strides. Most artists usually use their own face as reference. One always has one’s face available doesn’t one!

My most recent self portraits have turned abstract. Taken on a more narrative element rather than a recognisable and accurate one. I will show these another day. But the first image is my last self portrait that does hold recognisable features. Still, as I was painting it, I decided to play with the details to morph into a more illustrative depiction. The more I did this, the more I liked it. Probably a reflection of me wanting to ignore the passage of time and what it has done to my face. I created a level of delusion that is more playful. Was this right to do? I’m actually torn as I know the most amazing faces are those with character.

But I went with this idea and this then led to me letting go completely and decided to show me in story form. As I said earlier, I will show these soon.

And more importantly I practice self portraits to ensure I’m always ready and at the right level to take on the highest honour an artist can have, a commission to paint someone’s loved one. Usually a loved one who has passed.

This part of being a painter, no one had prepared me for. I spend time with the family, finding out all about the them. This is a valuable and always painful but essential part to creating their last image. When painting I usually cry and always talk to them myself throughout the process. The honour bestowed on me is one I hold high above all else.

An honour I have had many times and will never take for granted.

Thank you to those families involved.

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Georgia Longford Georgia Longford


Time is something I seem to lack more and more as I get older. I remember my Nan telling me off for saying I’m bored. I would give anything now to be bored. Plus I would give anything to have time with her again. Now I understand why she was so sharp with me. It’s a blessing to be bored. As a child you feel like you have all the time in the world.

Oh to have time.

Now time to me has become a precious commodity. Something I am always in desperate need of. Time with my family, time to paint, time to even tidy the house. Let alone fix the broken tiles on my kitchen floor.

Recently I had a meeting through the IW Creative Network which I joined a few months ago. A ‘121’ creative advice session with the lovely Alys.

Two hours well spent. And ‘time’, for me, was definitely the topic that was lacking.

How to organise ones time to enable the creation of all that I want to achieve? Probably sounds so easy as a concept right? As an artist, you just want to create good art right?

Anyway, how to organise my ‘time’ is my homework.

Well I’ve managed to write a new BLOG post. Only took me a year. Also I got to go to an amazing show at the Royal Albert Hall and walk around the National Portrait Gallery (My favourite place in the world). Eat at a Anime style restaurant and spend some much needed quality time with my daughter.

So something is working :)

Until next time…

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Georgia Longford Georgia Longford

Saying goodbye

So I never wanted to write this. But last year we lost David.

Still don’t want to talk about it really but I don’t think anyone reads my blog anyway so this really is just for me.

Within a few days of his passing I disappeared into the studio. I decided to paint him. Almost a spiritual grieving process that I can’t describe. How I managed to finish this and to a level I’m so proud of I will never know. I think I spoke to him and cried the entire time.

I am angry at myself because I wanted to do this before his passing. I wanted to show him how much he meant to me and to say thank you for welcoming me into his family and treating me as one of his own. But through his illness I kept thinking if I did paint him, I would have to accept what was happening.

I was highly honoured to be able to give this to my mother in law, Anne. Couldn’t show it to her for a long while though as of course it was too painful for her. And then the guilt of making her hurt even more with something I had created was horrible. Was it the right thing? I don’t know.

I think he would have liked it.

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Harriet Hue Harriet Hue

Artist Block


HOW TO: Solve an Artist’s Block

Ever had an artist block?

Felt like you can’t find that artistic energy that once came so freely and seems to effortlessly ooze from everyone else?

Well, welcome to my life.

For me this happens at least once a week. When I’m running with an idea and everything is coming together. The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting and the look of the piece is progressing exactly the way I want it to… The colours are exciting, the brushstrokes are a flowing and that urge and excitement of wanting to frame it and get it on the wall as quickly as possible is overwhelming.

Then BOOM!!!! Its gone!

I’ve forgotten what exactly it was that was motivating me in the first place. Doubt kicks in. Endless non-helpful voices fill my head. I won’t go into detail as we all know what they are.

This happened on a major scale earlier this year. Couldn’t figure out why.

Thanks to the powers that be (or more commonly known as, my friends and family) that I managed to figure out what it was. Thus started my research into the dreaded, ‘artist block’.

There is a lot out there if you look. I will list a few links below too. But here’s my summary…

  • BREATHE - Seriously breathe. In and out. Simple as that. (learnt that at a meditation class) Sometimes we forget the basics.

    Life and all that comes with it can sap us of our energy. Without it it’s not surprising that sometimes the focus and the importance on our art can seem to dwindle in priority.

    So give yourself a break, we are only human after all. Put the paintbrush down and walk away. Take some time, and breathe. Don’t worry, you will eventually find your way back.

  • GET OUT AND STAND UP STRAIGHT - Go take a walk. A run. Clear your head and more importantly, hold your head up high. When our mood shifts our shoulders get hunched. Standing up straight will not only help your aching shoulders but will eventually effect your mood and turn it into a more positive one without you even realising it.

  • CONVERSE - Find someone, anyone to talk to. Or if no one is around, write it down. Start a diary.

  • CLEAN - Organise and sort your art area. Clean your brushes. Make it inviting.

  • RESEARCH - Remind yourself what got you into art in the first place. Make a list or make your own Pinterest board with art you like. Remind yourself what it is that draws you in.

  • EXERCISE - Not physically, lol. Go back to the basics of your chosen medium. Play with new mediums and see how they mix or sit together. Hopefully new accidents will happen and will recapture your attention. Try different surfaces. As a painter I use three types depending on what subject I’m painting, or what mood I’m in.

    Portraits, canvas panel. Landscapes, canvas. Any painting that I want a sheen, wooden panels. Plus its a great way to mix it up. Prevents me getting stale.

  • JOIN A CLASS - Can be an art class, exercise class. In my case, a meditation class is what helped me. Being around people who are similar will recharge your batteries. It will make you realise that you are perfectly normal (so to speak) and that you are not alone.

  • START A NEW PIECE - Put your current work (that is annoying you) off to the side so that you can just look at it occasionally. And start another one.

    It will hit you one day, when you least expect it. You will walk past it and will know exactly what it needs.

    Its why many professional artists have more than one piece on the go. I love those ‘eureka’ moments. I’ve had work up on a wall for months knowing something is wrong but can’t quite put my finger on it. Then I get it.

    I have been known to repaint an entire painting in a few days that I’ve previously spent months on. But then I’m finally happy with it. Freaks my family out!

These are just my own steps that I have picked up along the way and those that I have learnt from others.

My hope to anyone who reading this is, is that some or one of the steps might hit a chord and help direct you in a more motivational direction.

Also please feel free to contact me. If you need to talk or just the need to vent. Or think I have missed something off the list that works for you.

We arty types need to stick together ;)

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Harriet Hue Harriet Hue

Commissions: 9 Steps to getting the painting you want

To contact me regarding your commission please click here

  1. The CONCEPT

Firstly, have a general idea of what you want. Be it a portrait, landscape, seascape etc. General size, style and medium and price that you are willing to pay. Sounds simple but it is good to have a list written down. Also mention names of pieces you’ve seen that you like the style of or colours of the room that the piece will eventually be placed.


2. Which ARTIST

Choose your artist based on their body of work that matches your chosen subject and check that their costs meet your criteria.

(Of course if you choose me, I feel this is an organic process and all sizes, ideas and costs etc can be tweaked in further discussions if you have something specific in mind)

3. How much TIME

Is this for you or is it a gift? When does it have to be ready? There needs to be enough time for an oil painting to not only be designed but to be painted, dried, varnished and delivered.

Once we have discussed this I will check the diary to see if there is a suitable time slot.

4. Reference IMAGE to work from

I mostly work from photos. Sometimes these can be old photos, ones taken from your phone or photos professionally taken. The image needs to be as clear as possible and have good lighting. I have put a few reference photos in the gallery above so you can see the sort of photos I have previously worked from and the final result.


I will go into depth to find out how you want the piece to look and then will come back with ideas and sketches. This will continue till you are happy for me to start.

6. How to START and FEES

My fees currently range from £395 to £1295 for classic oil paintings and digital paintings.

Nothing starts officially or gets booked in to the diary until the final designs have been agreed on and the first part payment has been paid.

This is normally 50% of the overall costs to cover time, design work and materials.

Remember costs can be broken down into more affordable payments, so please don’t hesitate to ask.

Once the painting is finished and you happy with the final design, the final invoice will be sent out before the painting can be recieved.



This invoice will include additional costs for delivery/packaging (costs vary depending on location) and ‘art in transit insurance’ (usually £35) for delivery if needed.


The painting will come unframed, but I can arrange framing for you if requested or will be able to direct you to a reputable framer.


And finally please email the artist after to tell them how happy you are with your commission. (We artists need our ego’s stroked now and again ;) )

Any reviews are warmly welcome and don’t forget to recommend to family and friends.

Thank you

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Harriet Hue Harriet Hue

Original art & Buying: Asking about 'Part Payment Plans'

Intagram - Pic in white square line.jpg

Everyone wants the real thing:

Ever been to a gallery and seen something that you instantly fall in love with? You can't explain why but you know that it sings to you.

With breathtaking brushstrokes and bold textures staring at you and thinking that you have the perfect wall at home where it could hang.

Well, it can be yours!

Always remember to...

''Ask the Artist or Gallery about their 'Part payment' plans''.

Think people forget that they can ask to do this, we don't bite.

These days it is more common practice than you think, it can be simply done.

For example:

See anything you like on my website, the original or limited edition prints. Contact me and we can discuss the piece or pieces and how many payments you would like to break it into.

Then I will send you an invoice with payment options attached each month till the amount is paid...

...Then... I can deliver it directly to you.



Remember, this is just my own opinion. Please feel free to contact me to tell me your thoughts on the subject or if you need help directing in the right direction.

Thanks for reading

Harriet :)

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Harriet Hue Harriet Hue

To varnish or not to varnish: That is the question

Varnish beach painting July 2018.jpg

Why would I use it?

Spending a long time on any piece of art can make you protective of your creation, especially when handing it over to a Gallery, client or just to hang on your own wall space. You want it to be the very best it can be for a long time, right?

...I know I do.

Well then... you need to varnish your work. In my case especially on oil paintings.

Unless you can hire your own bodyguard to stand in front of your work battering off wayward dirt and dust, you would probably like to add a protective layer. 

Benefits of using a varnish

Plus the benefits of varnish is that it will tie together the overall appearance. When using different mediums like linseed oil etc, you will have noticed that once dry your work can often appear patchy. Some areas will be matt whilst others more glossy.

The wonder of the right varnish is that you can have the overall consistent finish that you desire.. be it Matt, Satin or Gloss. Take a walk around any Gallery and you will see a wide range of different finishes.

Also you may have noticed that once your painting had dried, the painting can appear dull. Varnish can also bring back the vibrancy to your colours.

gamvar product pic 2018 - v2 jpg.jpg
blue horizon no 3 varnished 2018.jpg

What product should I use

The key is to figure out what finish you want for your painting and go from there.

Every artist has there own products that they are happy with. For me, I love Gamblin's, Gamvar varnish. Have been using for a few years now. I used to have a few problems with the varnish beading on top of the painting, especially if I had used a lot of linseed oil (google if you don't know what this is).  But their recent satin varnish does not do this, on my artwork anyway.

When to apply

With Gamvar, the benefits of this product is that you can use it once your whole painting is touch dry because it is water-based. Other products state that you have to wait 6 months to a year!

...Who has that sort of time?

How to apply:

Prepare your space to be as dust free as possible plus a space where it can be left undisturbed. Also have a small pot for the varnish and a piece of kitchen roll handy for wiping any stray lint, which I warn you will want to adhere itself whilst applying. Lots of fun.

I use a small rough brush which I lightly add small amounts of varnish with and work gently into the painting. Should be touch dry in 24 hours depending on room temperature. 


If for some reason you need to take off the varnish you can removed with Gamsol. Haven't yet come across a reason to have to do this, will admit that the thought terrifies me. But the Gamblin websites states it can be done safely. 

How many coats:

This is completely up to you based on how you want the final finish to be. I change my mind on every piece. Sometimes one or sometimes two. (the above painting had two)

I don't like it to be too reflective as this can hinder where you hang it.


Any new products should always be tested first before applying to your beloved master piece. This is where those unused artworks you have hidden away come in handy.

Remember, this is just my own opinion. Please feel free to contact me to tell me your thoughts on the subject or if you need help directing in the right direction.

Thanks for reading

Harriet :)

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